path: root/drivers/scsi/ufs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-07-20[SCSI] ufs: fix incorrect return value about SUCCESS and FAILEDNamjae Jeon
2012-07-20[SCSI] ufs: reverse the ufshcd_is_device_present logicVenkatraman S
2012-07-20[SCSI] ufs: use module_pci_driverVenkatraman S
2012-05-23[SCSI] ufs: fix potential NULL pointer dereferencing error in ufshcd_prove.Namjae Jeon
2012-05-10[SCSI] ufs: Assign UTRLBAU = upper_32_ bits(UTRLD base address)Santosh Yaraganavi
2012-05-10[SCSI] ufs: Fix evaluation of UTP task completion codeVenkatraman S
2012-03-27[SCSI] ufshcd: UFS Host controller driverSantosh Yaraganavi