path: root/doc/board/ti
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/board/ti')
11 files changed, 3656 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/am62px_sk.rst b/doc/board/ti/am62px_sk.rst
index 1f2982c36f9..c80b5068117 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/am62px_sk.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/am62px_sk.rst
@@ -156,6 +156,30 @@ Image formats:
.. image:: img/dm_tispl.bin.svg
:alt: tispl.bin image format
+ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
+Flashing images to OSPI:
+Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, and u-boot.img,
+over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective addresses.
+.. prompt:: bash =>
+ sf probe
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
+Flash layout for OSPI:
+.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw2.svg
+ :alt: OSPI flash partition layout
A53 SPL DDR Memory Layout
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst b/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
index b12dc85f06b..2a25e84f6c9 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
@@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ Set the variables corresponding to this platform:
:start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_spl_r5
:end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_spl_r5
+* 3.1.1 Alternative build of R5 for DFU boot:
+As the SPL size can get too big when building with support for booting both
+from local storage *and* DFU an extra config fragment should be used to enable
+DFU support (and disable storage support)
+.. prompt:: bash $
+ export UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXR="${UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXR} am62x_r5_usbdfu.config"
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_spl_r5
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_spl_r5
* 3.2 A53:
.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
@@ -150,6 +164,30 @@ Image formats:
.. image:: img/dm_tispl.bin.svg
:alt: tispl.bin image format
+ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
+Flashing images to OSPI:
+Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, and u-boot.img,
+over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective addresses.
+.. prompt:: bash =>
+ sf probe
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
+Flash layout for OSPI:
+.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw2.svg
+ :alt: OSPI flash partition layout
A53 SPL DDR Memory Layout
@@ -251,6 +289,29 @@ https://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/spruiv7 under the `Boot Mode Pins` section.
For SW2 and SW1, the switch state in the "ON" position = 1.
+DFU based boot
+To boot the board over DFU, set the switches to DFU mode and connect to the
+USB type C DRD port on the board. After power-on the build artifacts needs to be
+uploaded one by one with a tool like dfu-util.
+.. am62x_evm_rst_include_start_dfu_boot
+The initial ROM will have a DFU alt named `bootloader` for the initial R5 spl
+upload. The next stages as exposed by U-Boot have target alts matching the name
+of the artifacts, for these a USB reset has to be done after each upload.
+When using dfu-util the following commands can be used to boot to a U-Boot shell:
+.. prompt:: bash $
+ dfu-util -a bootloader -D tiboot3.bin
+ dfu-util -R -a tispl -D tispl.bin
+ dfu-util -R -a u-boot.img -D u-boot.img
+.. am62x_evm_rst_include_end_dfu_boot
Debugging U-Boot
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/am64x_evm.rst b/doc/board/ti/am64x_evm.rst
index 6ae35b3fee3..88997b6a283 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/am64x_evm.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/am64x_evm.rst
@@ -140,6 +140,30 @@ Image formats:
.. image:: img/nodm_tispl.bin.svg
:alt: tispl.bin image format
+ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
+Flashing images to OSPI:
+Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, and u-boot.img,
+over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective addresses.
+.. prompt:: bash =>
+ sf probe
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x100000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x300000 $filesize
+Flash layout for OSPI:
+.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw-am64.svg
+ :alt: OSPI flash partition layout
Switch Setting for Boot Mode
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/img/ospi_sysfw-am64.svg b/doc/board/ti/img/ospi_sysfw-am64.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/board/ti/img/ospi_sysfw-am64.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
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+ style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">ospi.rootfs(UBIFS)</xhtml:div>
+ </xhtml:div>
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+ id="text159">ospi.rootfs(UBIFS)</text>
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+ </xhtml:div>
+ </xhtml:div>
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+ <text
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+ id="text183">ospi.phypattern(256k)</text>
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+ <g
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+ <g
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+ id="text195">0x3FC0000</text>
+ </switch>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/j721e_evm.rst b/doc/board/ti/j721e_evm.rst
index a422a9bf1a0..80d91cafab0 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/j721e_evm.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/j721e_evm.rst
@@ -150,6 +150,33 @@ Image formats:
.. image:: img/sysfw.itb.svg
:alt: sysfw.itb image format
+ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
+Flashing images to OSPI:
+Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, u-boot.img,
+and sysfw.itb over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective
+.. prompt:: bash =>
+ sf probe
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} sysfw.itb
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x6C0000 $filesize
+Flash layout for OSPI:
+.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw.svg
+ :alt: OSPI flash partition layout
R5 Memory Map:
@@ -193,35 +220,8 @@ R5 Memory Map:
- 0x41cffbfc
- 0x41cfffff
-ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
-Flashing images to OSPI:
-Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, u-boot.img,
-and sysfw.itb over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective
-.. prompt:: bash =>
- sf probe
- tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
- sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
- tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
- sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
- tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
- sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
- tftp ${loadaddr} sysfw.itb
- sf update $loadaddr 0x6C0000 $filesize
-Flash layout for OSPI:
-.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw.svg
- :alt: OSPI flash partition layout
The J721e u-boot allows firmware to be loaded for the Cortex-R5 subsystem.
The CPSW5G in J7200 and CPSW9G in J721E present in MAIN domain is configured
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/j722s_evm.rst b/doc/board/ti/j722s_evm.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10b243908a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/board/ti/j722s_evm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause
+.. sectionauthor:: Jayesh Choudhary <j-choudhary@ti.com>
+J722S-EVM Platform
+The J722S is a family of application processors built for Automotive and
+Linux Application development. J722S family of SoCs is a superset of the
+AM62P SoC family and shares similar memory map, thus the nodes are being
+reused from AM62P includes instead of duplicating the definitions.
+Some highlights of J722S SoC (in addition to AM62P SoC features) are:
+* Two Cortex-R5F for Functional Safety or general-purpose usage and
+ two C7x floating point vector DSP with Matrix Multiply Accelerator
+ for deep learning.
+* Vision Processing Accelerator (VPAC) with image signal processor
+ and Depth and Motion Processing Accelerator (DMPAC).
+* 7xUARTs, 3xSPI, 5xI2C, 2xUSB2, 2xCAN-FD, 3xMMC and SD, GPMC for
+ NAND/FPGA connection, OSPI memory controller, 5xMcASP for audio,
+ 4xCSI-RX for Camera, 1 PCIe Gen3 controller, USB3.0 eCAP/eQEP,
+ ePWM, among other peripherals.
+For those interested, more details about this SoC can be found in the
+Technical Reference Manual here: https://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sprujb3
+Boot Flow:
+The bootflow is exactly the same as all SoCs in the am62xxx extended SoC
+family. Below is the pictorial representation:
+.. image:: img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg
+ :alt: Boot flow diagram
+- Here TIFS acts as master and provides all the critical services. R5/A53
+ requests TIFS to get these services done as shown in the above diagram.
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_boot_sources
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_boot_sources
+Build procedure:
+0. Setup the environment variables:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_common_env_vars_desc
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_common_env_vars_desc
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_board_env_vars_desc
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_board_env_vars_desc
+Set the variables corresponding to this platform:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_common_env_vars_defn
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_common_env_vars_defn
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ export UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXR=j722s_evm_r5_defconfig
+ $ export UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXA=j722s_evm_a53_defconfig
+ $ export TFA_BOARD=lite
+ $ export OPTEE_PLATFORM=k3-am62x
+.. j722s_evm_rst_include_start_build_steps
+1. Trusted Firmware-A:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_tfa
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_tfa
+2. OP-TEE:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_optee
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_optee
+3. U-Boot:
+* 3.1 R5:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_spl_r5
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_spl_r5
+* 3.2 A53:
+.. include:: ../ti/k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_build_steps_uboot
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_build_steps_uboot
+.. j722s_evm_rst_include_end_build_steps
+Target Images
+In order to boot we need tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin and u-boot.img. Each SoC
+variant (HS-FS, HS-SE) requires a different source for these files.
+ - HS-FS
+ * tiboot3-j722s-hs-fs-evm.bin from step 3.1
+ * tispl.bin, u-boot.img from step 3.2
+ - HS-SE
+ * tiboot3-j722s-hs-evm.bin from step 3.1
+ * tispl.bin, u-boot.img from step 3.2
+Image formats:
+- tiboot3.bin
+.. image:: img/multi_cert_tiboot3.bin.svg
+ :alt: tiboot3.bin image format
+- tispl.bin
+.. image:: img/dm_tispl.bin.svg
+ :alt: tispl.bin image format
+A53 SPL DDR Memory Layout
+.. j722s_evm_rst_include_start_ddr_mem_layout
+This provides an overview memory usage in A53 SPL stage.
+.. list-table::
+ :widths: 16 16 16
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Region
+ - Start Address
+ - End Address
+ * - EMPTY
+ - 0x80000000
+ - 0x80080000
+ - 0x80080000
+ - 0x800d8000
+ * - EMPTY
+ - 0x800d8000
+ - 0x80477660
+ * - STACK
+ - 0x80477660
+ - 0x80477e60
+ * - GD
+ - 0x80477e60
+ - 0x80478000
+ * - MALLOC
+ - 0x80478000
+ - 0x80480000
+ * - EMPTY
+ - 0x80480000
+ - 0x80a00000
+ * - BSS
+ - 0x80a00000
+ - 0x80a80000
+ * - BLOBS
+ - 0x80a80000
+ - 0x80d00400
+ * - EMPTY
+ - 0x80d00400
+ - 0x81000000
+.. j722s_evm_rst_include_end_ddr_mem_layout
+Switch Setting for Boot Mode
+Boot Mode pins provide means to select the boot mode and options before the
+device is powered up. After every POR, they are the main source to populate
+the Boot Parameter Tables.
+The following table shows some common boot modes used on J722S-EVM
+platform. More details can be found in the Technical Reference Manual:
+https://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sprujb3 under the `Boot Mode Pins` section.
+.. note::
+ This device is very new. Currently only UART boot is available while
+ we continue to add support for the other bootmodes.
+.. list-table:: Boot Modes
+ :widths: 16 16 16
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Switch Label
+ - SW3: 12345678
+ - SW4: 12345678
+ * - SD
+ - 11000010
+ - 01000000
+ * - OSPI
+ - 11001110
+ - 00000000
+ * - EMMC
+ - 11010010
+ - 00000000
+ * - UART
+ - 11011100
+ - 00000000
+ * - USB DFU
+ - 11001010
+ - 00000000
+For SW2 and SW1, the switch state in the "ON" position = 1.
+Debugging U-Boot
+See :ref:`Common Debugging environment - OpenOCD<k3_rst_refer_openocd>`: for
+detailed setup information.
+.. warning::
+ **OpenOCD support after**: v0.12.0
+ While support for the entire K3 generation including the am62xxx
+ extended family was added before v0.12.0, the tcl scripts for the
+ am62px have been accepted and will be available in the next release of
+ OpenOCD. It may be necessary to build OpenOCD from source depending on
+ the version your distribution has packaged.
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_connect_XDS110
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_connect_XDS110
+To start OpenOCD and connect to the board
+.. code-block:: bash
+ openocd -f board/ti_j722sevm.cfg
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/j784s4_evm.rst b/doc/board/ti/j784s4_evm.rst
index 5c4bd2c927d..2ffec3dbd3b 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/j784s4_evm.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/j784s4_evm.rst
@@ -153,6 +153,31 @@ Image formats
.. image:: img/dm_tispl.bin.svg
:alt: tispl.bin format
+ROM supports booting from OSPI from offset 0x0.
+Flashing images to OSPI NOR:
+Below commands can be used to download tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin, and
+u-boot.img over tftp and then flash those to OSPI at their respective
+.. prompt:: bash =>
+ sf probe
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
+ tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
+ sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
+Flash layout for OSPI NOR:
+.. image:: img/ospi_sysfw3.svg
+ :alt: OSPI NOR flash partition layout
R5 Memory Map
@@ -262,6 +287,9 @@ section.
* - SD
- 0000
+ * - OSPI
+ - 0010
* - EMMC
- 0110
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/k3.rst b/doc/board/ti/k3.rst
index 88821a15e4c..67b066a07d3 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/k3.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/k3.rst
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ K3 Based SoCs
+ j722s_evm
Boot Flow Overview
@@ -51,14 +52,14 @@ For all K3 SoCs the first core started will be inside the Security
Management Subsystem (SMS) which will secure the device and start a core
in the wakeup domain to run the ROM code. ROM will then initialize the
boot media needed to load the binaries packaged inside `tiboot3.bin`,
-including a 32bit U-Boot SPL, (called the wakup SPL) that ROM will jump
+including a 32bit U-Boot SPL, (called the wakeup SPL) that ROM will jump
to after it has finished loading everything into internal SRAM.
.. image:: img/boot_flow_01.svg
:alt: Boot flow up to wakeup domain SPL
The wakeup SPL, running on a wakeup domain core, will initialize DDR and
-any peripherals needed load the larger binaries inside the `tispl.bin`
+any peripherals needed to load the larger binaries inside the `tispl.bin`
into DDR. Once loaded the wakeup SPL will start one of the 'big'
application cores inside the main domain to initialize the main domain,
starting with Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A), before moving on to start
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ essentially 4 unique but very similar flows:
* Combined binary with a split firmware: (eg: AM62)
For devices that utilize the split binary approach, ROM is not capable
-of loading the firmware into the SoC requiring the wakeup domain's
+of loading the firmware into the SoC, requiring the wakeup domain's
U-Boot SPL to load the firmware.
Devices with a split firmware will have two firmwares loaded into the
@@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ K3 HS-SE (High Security - Security Enforced) devices enforce an
authenticated boot flow for secure boot. HS-FS (High Security - Field
Securable) is the state of a K3 device before it has been eFused with
customer security keys. In the HS-FS state the authentication still can
-function as in HS-SE but as there are no customer keys to verify the
-signatures against the authentication will pass for certificates signed
+function as in HS-SE, but as there are no customer keys to verify the
+signatures against, the authentication will pass for certificates signed
with any key.
Chain of trust