#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause # # Script to add K3 specific x509 cetificate to a binary. # # Variables OUTPUT=tiboot3.bin TEMP_X509=x509-temp.cert CERT=certificate.bin RAND_KEY=eckey.pem LOADADDR=0x41c00000 BOOTCORE_OPTS=0 BOOTCORE=16 DEBUG_TYPE=0 SWRV=1 gen_degen_template() { cat << 'EOF' > degen-template.txt asn1=SEQUENCE:rsa_key [rsa_key] version=INTEGER:0 modulus=INTEGER:0xDEGEN_MODULUS pubExp=INTEGER:1 privExp=INTEGER:1 p=INTEGER:0xDEGEN_P q=INTEGER:0xDEGEN_Q e1=INTEGER:1 e2=INTEGER:1 coeff=INTEGER:0xDEGEN_COEFF EOF } # Generate x509 Template gen_template() { cat << 'EOF' > x509-template.txt [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name x509_extensions = v3_ca prompt = no dirstring_type = nobmp [ req_distinguished_name ] C = US ST = TX L = Dallas O = Texas Instruments Incorporated OU = Processors CN = TI support emailAddress = support@ti.com [ v3_ca ] basicConstraints = CA:true = ASN1:SEQUENCE:boot_seq = ASN1:SEQUENCE:image_integrity = ASN1:SEQUENCE:swrv # = ASN1:SEQUENCE:encryption = ASN1:SEQUENCE:debug [ boot_seq ] certType = INTEGER:TEST_CERT_TYPE bootCore = INTEGER:TEST_BOOT_CORE bootCoreOpts = INTEGER:TEST_BOOT_CORE_OPTS destAddr = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:TEST_BOOT_ADDR imageSize = INTEGER:TEST_IMAGE_LENGTH [ image_integrity ] shaType = OID:2.16.840. shaValue = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:TEST_IMAGE_SHA_VAL [ swrv ] swrv = INTEGER:TEST_SWRV # [ encryption ] # initalVector = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:TEST_IMAGE_ENC_IV # randomString = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:TEST_IMAGE_ENC_RS # iterationCnt = INTEGER:TEST_IMAGE_KEY_DERIVE_INDEX # salt = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:TEST_IMAGE_KEY_DERIVE_SALT [ debug ] debugUID = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 debugType = INTEGER:TEST_DEBUG_TYPE coreDbgEn = INTEGER:0 coreDbgSecEn = INTEGER:0 EOF } parse_key() { sed '/ /s/://g' key.txt | \ awk '!/ / {printf("\n%s\n", $0)}; / / {printf("%s", $0)}' | \ sed 's/ //g' | \ awk "/$1:/{getline; print}" } gen_degen_key() { # Generate a 4096 bit RSA Key openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 >>/dev/null 2>&1 openssl rsa -in key.pem -text -out key.txt >>/dev/null 2>&1 DEGEN_MODULUS=$( parse_key 'modulus' ) DEGEN_P=$( parse_key 'prime1' ) DEGEN_Q=$( parse_key 'prime2' ) DEGEN_COEFF=$( parse_key 'coefficient' ) gen_degen_template sed -e "s/DEGEN_MODULUS/$DEGEN_MODULUS/"\ -e "s/DEGEN_P/$DEGEN_P/" \ -e "s/DEGEN_Q/$DEGEN_Q/" \ -e "s/DEGEN_COEFF/$DEGEN_COEFF/" \ degen-template.txt > degenerateKey.txt openssl asn1parse -genconf degenerateKey.txt -out degenerateKey.der >>/dev/null 2>&1 openssl rsa -in degenerateKey.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out $RAND_KEY >>/dev/null 2>&1 KEY=$RAND_KEY rm key.pem key.txt degen-template.txt degenerateKey.txt degenerateKey.der } declare -A options_help usage() { if [ -n "$*" ]; then echo "ERROR: $*" fi echo -n "Usage: $0 " for option in "${!options_help[@]}" do arg=`echo ${options_help[$option]}|cut -d ':' -f1` if [ -n "$arg" ]; then arg=" $arg" fi echo -n "[-$option$arg] " done echo echo -e "\nWhere:" for option in "${!options_help[@]}" do arg=`echo ${options_help[$option]}|cut -d ':' -f1` txt=`echo ${options_help[$option]}|cut -d ':' -f2` tb="\t\t\t" if [ -n "$arg" ]; then arg=" $arg" tb="\t" fi echo -e " -$option$arg:$tb$txt" done echo echo "Examples of usage:-" echo "# Example of signing the SYSFW binary with rsa degenerate key" echo " $0 -c 0 -b ti-sci-firmware-am6x.bin -o sysfw.bin -l 0x40000" echo "# Example of signing the SPL binary with rsa degenerate key" echo " $0 -c 16 -b spl/u-boot-spl.bin -o tiboot3.bin -l 0x41c00000" } options_help[b]="bin_file:Bin file that needs to be signed" options_help[k]="key_file:file with key inside it. If not provided script generates a rsa degenerate key." options_help[o]="output_file:Name of the final output file. default to $OUTPUT" options_help[c]="core_id:target core id on which the image would be running. Default to $BOOTCORE" options_help[l]="loadaddr: Target load address of the binary in hex. Default to $LOADADDR" options_help[d]="debug_type: Debug type, set to 4 to enable early JTAG. Default to $DEBUG_TYPE" options_help[r]="SWRV: Software Rev for X509 certificate" while getopts "b:k:o:c:l:d:h:r:" opt do case $opt in b) BIN=$OPTARG ;; k) KEY=$OPTARG ;; o) OUTPUT=$OPTARG ;; l) LOADADDR=$OPTARG ;; c) BOOTCORE=$OPTARG ;; d) DEBUG_TYPE=$OPTARG ;; r) SWRV=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; \?) usage "Invalid Option '-$OPTARG'" exit 1 ;; :) usage "Option '-$OPTARG' Needs an argument." exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then usage "Arguments missing" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$BIN" ]; then usage "Bin file missing in arguments" exit 1 fi # Generate rsa degenerate key if user doesn't provide a key if [ -z "$KEY" ]; then gen_degen_key fi if [ $BOOTCORE == 0 ]; then # BOOTCORE M3, loaded by ROM CERTTYPE=2 elif [ $BOOTCORE == 16 ]; then # BOOTCORE R5, loaded by ROM CERTTYPE=1 else # Non BOOTCORE, loaded by SYSFW BOOTCORE_OPTS_VER=$(printf "%01x" 1) # Add input args option for SET and CLR flags. BOOTCORE_OPTS_SETFLAG=$(printf "%08x" 0) BOOTCORE_OPTS_CLRFLAG=$(printf "%08x" 0x100) # Clear FLAG_ARMV8_AARCH32 BOOTCORE_OPTS="0x$BOOTCORE_OPTS_VER$BOOTCORE_OPTS_SETFLAG$BOOTCORE_OPTS_CLRFLAG" # Set the cert type to zero. # We are not using public/private key store now CERTTYPE=$(printf "0x%08x" 0) fi SHA_VAL=`openssl dgst -sha512 -hex $BIN | sed -e "s/^.*= //g"` BIN_SIZE=`cat $BIN | wc -c` ADDR=`printf "%08x" $LOADADDR` gen_cert() { #echo "Certificate being generated :" #echo " LOADADDR = 0x$ADDR" #echo " IMAGE_SIZE = $BIN_SIZE" #echo " CERT_TYPE = $CERTTYPE" #echo " DEBUG_TYPE = $DEBUG_TYPE" #echo " SWRV = $SWRV" sed -e "s/TEST_IMAGE_LENGTH/$BIN_SIZE/" \ -e "s/TEST_IMAGE_SHA_VAL/$SHA_VAL/" \ -e "s/TEST_CERT_TYPE/$CERTTYPE/" \ -e "s/TEST_BOOT_CORE_OPTS/$BOOTCORE_OPTS/" \ -e "s/TEST_BOOT_CORE/$BOOTCORE/" \ -e "s/TEST_BOOT_ADDR/$ADDR/" \ -e "s/TEST_DEBUG_TYPE/$DEBUG_TYPE/" \ -e "s/TEST_SWRV/$SWRV/" \ x509-template.txt > $TEMP_X509 openssl req -new -x509 -key $KEY -nodes -outform DER -out $CERT -config $TEMP_X509 -sha512 } gen_template gen_cert cat $CERT $BIN > $OUTPUT # Remove all intermediate files rm $TEMP_X509 $CERT x509-template.txt if [ "$KEY" == "$RAND_KEY" ]; then rm $RAND_KEY fi